28 February, 2006


Works In Terry Farrell & Partners (Up-dated)

01. Hangzhou Post Information & Technology Building

02. DMU & PRC Samsung Building Competition

03. Sai Ying Pung Residential Competition

04. Tavistock 1 (tender drawing submission)

05. Shenzhen Kingkey Hotel Villa

06. Guangzhou Station (a bit)

07. Publication (HKIA Directory 2006) (HKIA Awards)

08. Macau Initial Conceptual Design Study

09. TianJin CBD Comprehensive Development

10. Coming soon_________

27 February, 2006

Sudden classic today

Rainy and windy
Johann Pachelbel 's Canon & Gigue for 3 Violins & Continuo in D Major
Beethoven 's Moonlight Sonata

25 February, 2006

Can I be there once again please ?

100000 missssssssssss

God 有say

No need to worry
Just go for it

23 February, 2006

Life in Office

Watch magazines_____
This is the winning design for the Reconstruction of WTC
But I think it is not contemporary enough_____

Song hearing______
Craig David Rise and Fall
Madonna Sorry
Gorillaz Clint Eastwood
Good Song

22 February, 2006

Want to build something "Ying"

My Year 3 Final Year Project's Scheme !!!!!!!!!!

20 February, 2006

Don't worry, I am fine

Mum said that my face is a bit 青____
or really? (although i don't think so)
maybe take in too many medicine recently la
hope everyone is healthy enough

Is it a right way to go?

19 February, 2006


Yesterday night could't fall asleep easily coz cough up non-stopped
sleep not well enough______anyway

Happy with yesterday's fellowship and today's church
But so worry about Polly's 三口子
We have to show helping hands______

17 February, 2006

瑪嘉烈 E2 15A 日誌

早 工作
午 4:30pm 勁頭痛
又開始發燒, 媽咪十分擔心
晚 回家飯後燒到 101degree
10:20pm去咗A&E(Accident & Emergency Department急証室)
打針,抽血,照肺,驗尿_____still high fa(fever)
2:30am 留院
3:00am 報告自己病情 again & again ...... 又抽血, check血壓
靚仔醫生+對arch interested 女醫生

早 7:00am 食粥
覺得病房ok comfortable, 寧靜
身在老人&內科 (見圖一)
午 睇magazine, 無milk唔開心, 睇TV, 睇風景
(面對美孚, Manhattan Hill, 對面海, 見到office)
5:30pm-7:30pm 探病時間
晚 飯後開始勁頭疼, 又發燒.....38.6degree, high fa again_____
等待一個十分重要的電話, 頭疼都唔瞓得______
but so disappointed that 電話無來_______
唯有打去 say goodbye
Also phone to Lai Man, Chiu, Irene
Thx for care !

早 Have a good sleep, little fever
Although I pray for her, unfortunately she died
I felt sad and falled a drop of tear for her coz yesterday still talked with her
Her condition was ok but today ........
唉 .... 人生真脆弱, 真的要珍惜現有的一切_______
婆婆屋企人見最後一面, 之後? 我無親眼見婆婆被"打包", 但回到病房只見14床空空如也
午 18A婆婆走得, bye bye!
15 go to 14 position
Chat with KoKwan & Chung Chi Ho, thx for cheering me up !!!
晚 飯後死啦 !!!! 有個勁咳+mentually ill 嘅女人去咗18床
好驚 >~< 點知佢有無 H5N1 or SARS......
於是 wear double masks !!!!!! but too 辛苦____放棄______
收到大姨,三姨, Chiu, Irene's telephone
同細姨傾咗45mins, 我哭了______
4:00am 嚟咗個北京婆, 佢啱啱到港, 嘩嘩嘩好dangerous !!!!

早 7:00am 俾護士叫醒, 佢好好人, 知我sleep得唔好
粥後, Dr. Ho came
I immediately requested for discharge, he said "OK"
10:00am 出院, bye bye lu ~~~~~

珍惜家人, 朋友, 不要他們擔心
雖然始終找不到 high fever again 嘅原因

14 February, 2006

Valentine's Day

Where is my lover?

13 February, 2006

Farewell Bao Chu

Yesterday had tea gathering with Bobby
I believe he is a smart guy
Oh yes, I have to be tough & independent
Hope he will have good fortune in Vienna

11 February, 2006

The Secret of Parallel Lines

We are two parallel lines
Never get a chance to cross over
We are as straight as track
Slightly bending will cause disaster aftermath
Looking at the level of a plate
I can't find any interface

10 February, 2006

Welcome Back From Hell

Frighting with disease for a week
The battle is bloodless but cruel
My body got victory finally
The Glory goes to my Lord, Parents & the Hospital's doctor

Today back to office
everything is fine

Receive the letter again
last time it is green
but this time it comes orange
it was so heavy_________

Chat with Juliet
Ask for advice for sure
Good that she reminds me one thing important_________
What will be my final decision?
To be honest, I don't know
But I believe God will tell

08 February, 2006

Already the 6th days

Today is already the 6th days I get the fever
Fever still don't go away !!!! (angry)
don't know the reason behind_____
Hope I don't get any other disease
Hope I will recover soon
Coz I already took several sick leaves

and I can't finish the project with my team mates
there is supposed a deadline tmr (09/02)
sorry to them______sad

Yesterday went to hospital with mum
Took the x-ray for lung
Doctor said I got 流感

Delicious Swedish Food !!!???

Delicious ma?
When I saw it, it already attracts me
but this "Swedish Food" is a post card mailed from Sweden
Thx Mabel
I like it so much
Keep your promise and cook me sth good when you back

04 February, 2006

Happy Tea Gathering with Chiu on 28/1/2006

As I mentioned before, this is what I dreamed for___

And this beautiful girl is one of my best friends Chiu

Chiu, I saw the funny words you typed next to the photos___haha

head crashing

Today is even much more serious____
got 101 degree
sth is crashing my head

Thx Jason your care !!!

03 February, 2006

Dizzily Sick Day

Take a sick leave this afternoon
due to fever

My sister came & cook some congee for me

02 February, 2006

A Day without MSN

MSN is the nutrient of work
MSN is the sweet for dullness
MSN is the coffee for sleep
How can office staff survive without MSN?

Dinner with Chiu, Cow Ball, Man Chi, Chi Man
so happy and laugh seriously
but now feel a bit sick______

Dinner With 2 OLD Friends

Wan Kit Ying___knew since F.2
UN___knew more than 13 years
everything needless to say______
thanks for the dinner
and thanks for the accessory and gift from Italy