29 March, 2006

1:55pm Office Lunch Time

Office is as quiet as the study room of library
Reading something boring but important
So tired these few days
And fall asleep always

Drafting a list of things that want to buy

28 March, 2006

Our 17-8-9

Have a hot pot gathering with F.6 & 7's classmates
coz Kayee back from Japan a few days
(attendees : Chiu, Kayee, Man chi, Chi man, Cow ball, Billy, 肥高, 肥B)

Long time no see each other
but seems that nth had changed
the old & friendly feeling is still here
everyone of our class is fine and pursues their own life
and the guys are still the never-growth children
Yes, exactly

Life in Lee Shau Kee is my happiest study time in my life up till now
We occupied different function rooms as flowing class
Remember the typing room, every ball games were here
Ya, my lovest subject, Geography, but the way, Fay Wong, how are you?
the sleeping class, the camp, the copy cats.......
Thx for my funny classmates, good teachers there________

26 March, 2006

Beloved Family

Today is mum's bday
We go to a Shanghai cuisine restaurant cos mum like that
Enjoy every warm moment with my family
Mum, I wish you happy and healthy all day long !!!

24 March, 2006

Sitting on the fence

人長大了, 變得自我

The more I think, the more I get confused
The more I know, the more I am in a Maze
The more I read, the more I feel scared_______

All you need is independence, independence & independence

My Love My Fate - Janice

my love my fate you will fade away

I love I hate I'll miss you always
太美好的東西 會走
還未愛夠了你 怎放手
從來不肯假想 失去你那感受
我這對腳 怎麼走

my love my fate you will fade away
I love I hate I'll always be afraid
我要首先講聲 我走
還是愛到你說 請你走
如果講一聲 請照顧 我感受

其實再次見你 真需要 靠演技
my love my fate you will fade away
世界當沒有你 Ooh...

22 March, 2006

Inspiration is plugged

Nothing stimulated me these few days
as calm as a flat line________

Works In Terry Farrell & Partners (Up-dated)
01. Hangzhou Post Information & Technology Building
02. DMU & PRC Samsung Building Competition
03. Sai Ying Pung Residential Competition
04. Tavistock 1 (tender drawing submission)
05. Shenzhen Kingkey Hotel Villa
06. New Guangzhou Station (a bit)
07. Publication (HKIA Directory 2006) (HKIA Awards)
08. Macau Initial Conceptual Design Study
09. TianJin CBD Comprehensive Development
10. New Guangzhou Station (again)

11. Coming soon_______

18 March, 2006

Mind the Gap

A cool book in office

17 March, 2006

The OCs

14 March, 2006

Are you looking forward?

The street should be full of fun

Wrapped Buildings

12 March, 2006

Joshua Camp 11-12/03/06

成員: Me, Chiu, Polly, Dicky, 嘉穎, 豪仔, 雞仔, 阿駿, 卓豪, 李炳
仲有Polly's 野蠻千金霆霆
踩roller______搞到周身骨痛.....remember 雞仔's 搵襪事件,

very tired but feel great
跑石春路_____個個"囡"低晒, 攞嚟賤_____
BBQ________Food are rolling and falling to the ground
Guess this and guess that

耡D________Just like what we did in School Camp
Faith Game___Haha full of fun
傾計________Happy cos Polly shared her happiness and sadness to us
"Mum wants to know their child more cos
she is so bored at home for housework"_______
主日崇拜_____Discuss a lot: The end of world is coming, How to identify
our own will & God's will, & also 阿駿'S worry____hehe

Enjoy so much but time is limited
Get close with them without any secret
Thanks God

09 March, 2006


Hooley did a great job.
But Mitchell______
Hei Man
Who are you?
Now you are promulgated an order for the arrest of your mistake.

08 March, 2006

It is missing ???!!!!!

Very down, very down & very down_________
It shouldn't be a problem
But why can't they received?

Very troublesome, very troublesome & very troublesome______
It shouldn't be a problem
But why I always gonna fight with Mr. Bad Luck?

07 March, 2006

What do you want ?

Today after OT, I have a meeting with a form 3 student
Requesting me for giving helping hands for her school project_______An environmental friendly house building for modern life
She got totally no idea of what's going on or what she want the building to be
I should not be surprised, cos I always don't know what I want as well
let along a form 3 innocent girl
Maybe by changing the point of view is a way to due with that

05 March, 2006

4 CU & HKU Future Architects' Crossover Leading Project

It's true, enjoy working in a concept design competition workshop in a "local firm"
I have a great time here as enjoying design and crazy thinking without pressure
Just like doing bao or design exercises, rather than treat it as freelance
Although a bit tired, I did gain a good learning lesson and experience which I don't think I can pursue in Farrell
Discussion and Presentation with boss are no more dull
Thanks God let me see how "pro" it can be, maybe that's what I want

用腦度撟, 坐底出scheme, 很久未試過

03 March, 2006

The follow up

The interface of 2 parallel lines maybe exactly overlapping
But now a line has cleavage
Seems there is no futher action can be done to redeem
Poor line
Are you not reconciled to see that happen?

01 March, 2006

Rely on Self and Further on God

but today my heart and mind go crazy and messy