05 June, 2006

Miss you

To Mabel,
I miss you so much as well ar
Thx for the video of the HSB Turning Torso
The feeling of being missed by an old friend is so good and touching
I always remember our 1103 honour room, Tatu, Westwood plaza's welcome.......
When you come back for your grad photo taking?
Hope I can join you


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nei hou, hou len lui~!
I have been missing you guys very very much!
these lovely photos you, Janice uploaded here let me remember the days in LHTH...I was so much happy to have shared the joys with you guys.
Hope that I will join you somewhere on the globe, or hopefully in Hong Kong ;-)

How is the life in Sweden? Go to school there? Enjoy hand-made jam?? ---Oh i suddenly remenber that you made me delicious pan cake (Swedish style) with fruit Jam in our pantry...
I pray that you and Andreas are continuously in Peace, shareing and nurishing your LOVE =)

Thank you for your letter before...and sorry that i could not write to you earlier... How are you, Janice? As always, you know, you are on my prayer.

"Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for YOU" 1 Peter 5:7

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Janice757 said...

Yumiko !!!!!!!!!!
Nei Hou
Nei hou len lui
I still remember your tone
so Q
I can't believe that you read my blog again. And I am so excited and touched to read such a long message from you. Yumiko !!!!!(want to cry)
I am fine and thx for praying for me whenever you are. My job is sometimes busy and the project I am working is a railway station in Mainland. While for my master study, I think I will go to UK la. It is really a difficult decision to make because studying in UK is very very expensive. I will tell you my final confirmation later.
Yup, hope to see you again either in HK or Japan.
Go to welcome, have "lor hon jai"(the vegetable dish you offer ordered in Ho Tim, HK milk tea....
And how's your study? your family? Hope all the best to you and pray for you.


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