20 February, 2007

London PIG Year Day One & Two

Day One of PIG Year
I went back Church early in the morning to have service
No red pocket with pounds
but here it has GOD father's love and Church family's joy
We had "the starting meal of a new year" together in Church with my favour "nian gao" of course !
After that I went to China Town to have a look of the foreign crowd and the fake New Year here in London
Well, except for the whole street of hanging red lantern, nothing special
Maybe I was in a hurry to go back home and have electronic "bai nian" with my relatives

Day Two of PIG Year
Tonight we had hotpot in Soki, Keith and Charlene's hall
How come it turned out 16 people totally instead of the original 8 of us?
but anyway, we had great time
I ate a lot these few days and tonight we cooked "tang yuan" as well !
So I better stop excessive eating and do more exercises

Plan to go to Paris and then Holland, maybe Vienna as well, in the coming Easter
So, looking forward !
Um....I have to work faster and harder and then spare more time to play !
I got energy for my boring assignments again !
My goal is so naive ! Janice ADD OIL ARRRRRRRR


At 2:47 PM, Blogger wwlog said...

新年快樂! 阿呆,加油!

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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