27 June, 2007


輕輕的我走了,正如我輕輕的來; 我輕輕的招手,作別西天的雲彩。
那河畔的金柳 是夕陽中的新娘;波光裡的艷影,在我的心頭蕩漾。軟泥上的青荇 油油的在水底招搖: 在BARTLETT的波濤裡 我甘心做一條水草!那榆蔭下的一潭 不是清泉,是天上虹 揉碎在浮藻間,沉澱著彩虹似的夢。
撐一支長篙 向青草更青處漫溯,滿載一船星輝,在星輝斑爛裡放歌。但我不能放歌,悄悄是別離的笙簫;夏蟲也為我沉默,沉默是今晚的康橋!

Mr Tsui's poem is now reflecting the recent situation: the feeling of loss due to the leaving of visiting friends, the feeling of sympathy due to my own leaving and the feeling of humbleness due to the explosion to the open world...

Have many great times with Sai Chun, Sherry, Sunny, Irene and Po Yue in London, Cambridge, Stonehenge and Bath these few days. After the third big meal tonight, we all step and carry on our own route towards different countries and hopefully will have our fouth big meal in the agreed place.

Cambridge is nice, but comparatively, Bath is much more impressive and beautiful. I was like walking in an old medieval painting with the operable Roman bath and church as background. One for sure can't get rid of the peaceful environement there, no doubt our dear ex-professor Fewer.


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