31 July, 2006

Herzog, I admire you to dead

If Tate Modern, the contemporary art museum opened in 2000, is a bilaterally-split classical composition, then the design for Tate Modern 2 by the same architects, Herzog and de Meuron, erupts into joyous asymmetrical gothic. Freed from the formal geometry of Giles Gilbert Scott's mid 20th century power station with its central tower, the Swiss architects - 11 years on from their original commission and now a great deal more internationally famous - have decided to have fun.

It is as simple as that: the architects admit they decided to do exactly the opposite of what they did before. Or as Jacques Herzog says, "To make it too hermetic would be the wrong answer." Since what they did before was extraordinarily restrained compared to some of the competing designs for the museum, it follows that what comes now must be extremely exuberant. And thus it proves.

It is not only remarkable for an art museum to be extended so soon after its completion - the optimistic target date to finish Phase 2 is 2012, when the Olympics come to London - but it is astonishingly big. It will cost as much as the original gallery in real terms - much more with inflation, bringing the estimated final cost to ?15 million. It will tower over the original building (though not its chimney) from the rear, re-orienting it away from the riverside and incorporating large chunks of the old structure.

It has all been made possible by happenstance: the rear, southern section of the old power station has remained in use as a transformer and switchgear hub for the City of London, but now all that kit is to be upgraded. Today's equipment is much more compact, and so can be shoehorned into the eastern end of the building. That means that Herzog and de Meuron can get to grips with the whole south-western end, using not only the old transformer hall but also an existing below-ground cluster of three enormous former oil tanks, which will become performance spaces.

However, this time round new building will dominate the old rather than vice-versa. And how. Given a list of space and function requirements by the Tate which attempts to engage with contemporary art and art-education practice but is bound to mutate, Jacques Herzog and his team has opted to pile all the spaces up into a kind of eroded ziggurat, rising to 70 metres. This is to be clad in cast glass - the rough, bobbly sort.

It looks highly complex and it is, but not as much as it might be. These are not pods slung from some structural armature, rather a relatively straightforward concrete post-and-beam arrangement that happens to have highly irregular edges. Herzog and de Meuron's Harry Gugger has scribbled a rough sketch to explain this.

You have to wonder about the wisdom of a glass-clad building facing south - especially given that most of the gallery spaces inside will have to have solid walls. You wonder equally about the energy efficiency of all that broken-up surface area. Then again, the architects intend to use ground-water energy storage, along with surplus heat from the transformer station and extensive insulation, to make this an exemplary building in energy terms. Though they are a bit vague over how they will clean it. Never mind. To quote Tadao Ando's interpreter on being presented with similar technical questions: "Mr. Ando, he solve these problems."

There is also the matter of whether the hip new annexe, being so big, will rather put the original building into the shade and take over. No, says Herzog. "We don't want to create ghettos. There won't be an old Tate Modern and a young Tate Modern."

It will surely comprehensively eclipse the "final" element of Tate Modern's plan: to allow a new Design Museum, much larger than the old, to snuggle up against its south-eastern end. Visually, this may be so but in cultural terms I suspect the arrangement will work pretty well. I wonder if the Design Museum really wants its independence, or if it wouldn't mind becoming another Tate franchise? Either way, it will be in the right place. In planning terms the aim of all this - and an ambitious landscape plan which will send tendrils into the Southwark hinterland - is to create a new cultural quarter in this part of London. We'll have the Architecture Foundation's new building, designed by Zaha Hadid, nearby. There are many theatres and other galleries round about. It is already regenerating nicely, if with too much in the way of bland corporate office blocks (and one by Will Alsop).

For some of us who saw the unveiling of the designs, however, the most striking thing was the way the scheme uncannily recalls sculptor Rachel Whiteread's huge polystyrene-box installation "Embankment" in the Tate Modern's turbine hall last year. Jacques Herzog saw it and liked it. But no, he says. That's just more happenstance.

How come you got billion of ideas?

When converse dancing with pony

Yesterday brought a pair of supreme simple chocolate colour with parchment fleece inside converse due to the crazy fact that it was so cheap
My feet will not easily get a cold in the chilly winter

~~~~~48 days left~~~~~


的確, 每人的天賦不同
但都總必有值得我去看,去留意, 去思考, 去緊記的地方
看得越多, 越覺得自己的渺小和膚淺
我不其然覺得自己比別人落後很多, 拋離很遠
相信這一步會把我帶到很遠, 很遠


26 July, 2006



先是開心, 及後皺眉............


1. 忙於取簽證的事兒, sponsor有變
2. 今日去COVA買dark chocolate給我至親的家姐因今天是她的生日, 但同時我又忘記好友的生
3. 為買到一件靚羽絨而高興
4. 在家中收拾, 把物件分為攜帶和不會攜帶兩疊
5. 週末要變身做兔女郎??????
6. 想睇<<子狐物語>>
7. 是時候剪頭髮, 但又對長長的秀髮不捨
8. 想到之後可能時常去荷蘭
9. Irene的小魚哲理
10. 日日準時放工, 又鼓起勇氣同John Campbell講...........
11. 又生病了, 今次是腸胃炎
12. 做了電視精
13. 想買部新notebook, 新digital camera
14. 想起兒時很多開心往事, 值得感恩, 但又不禁感慨人大了, 生活變得複雜, 要想要顧慮也多的是
15. 還有52日

21 July, 2006


Finally, I give Gavin my resign note
Terry Farrell
14 months
Happy> Sad
Relax > Harsh
Learn > Bored
Friends > Enemies
Will next station be Terry Farrell London?

19 July, 2006

普通 > 不太有好感 > 漸漸認識 > 熟絡 > 忌 > 厭



17 July, 2006

The theory behind Delft

What the hell?
Delft rejected all First Class Honours applicants?????!!!!!!!!
Does it think that the style and thinking of First Class Honours are already fixed?
Are we not theoretical enough?
Are we too commercial?
Are we ....... I don't know

16 July, 2006

House warming

Today I join Mr. Roy Law's house warming party
Remember, don't throw the coke to the skirting

14 July, 2006

Happy Hours

Two nights
Three bars
What I can say is
Soe is far better than Corona
Corona is too sweet as a beer

12 July, 2006

Irish proverb

In life, there are only two things to worry about
either you are well, or you are sick

If you are well, there is nothing to worry about
but if you are sick, you have two things to worry about
either you get well or you die

If you get well, there is nothing to worry about
but if you die, you have two things to worry about
either you go to heaven or you go to hell

If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about
but if you go to hell, you will be so busy shaking hands with your friends

and so you won't have time to worry!

Thank you Karent~~~~~~

07 July, 2006


06 July, 2006

A new chapter

A new chapter will start soon
A new life
And a new me

The tide is high

Atomic Kitten
The Tide Is High

The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that
Oh, no

The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number one, number one

Today Boss and 2 office staff feel grateful that I make a good decision
Thank you for you guys support
And thank you GOD


04 July, 2006

Lisa good show

02 July, 2006

7A Re-U Gathering

Yesterday night is 7A Re-U
Feel so good
More than half of our classmates were present
It is so interesting to know others' careers or further study
Mok Sir, Miss Lam.......
The starting road is the same, but the outcome is different
I like this group of people
I am happy to be one of them


01 July, 2006

我是灰姑娘, 請不要強人所難

唉, 昨晚原是開心的

放工後到page one用半價買了本detail
之後去捧lisa場, 劇是ok的, 但感染力不夠
相反, 我被lisa在場刊所寫的說話感動_____眼眨淚光
當然, 我不能否定lisa作了一個十分勇敢的選擇

眼見kokwan動也不動, 不能相信是事實的表情

蒲一入門, 就被兩位緊張大師捉住來嘮嘮叨叨
其實是預料之內, 因為早有前科
我一日不回家, 他們一日不睡覺
翌日, 他們仍對我喋喋不休________我被煩死了
但心想, 沒有這樣的必要
對於他們, 我只作出無聲的抗議, 不瞅不睬

儒孝? 也許吧
我只想, 朋友, 父母, 請不要強人所難