21 October, 2006

The Battersea Power Station and Serpentine Pavilion by Toyo Ito

Thank you God, today is a amazing and wonderful day !

I went to the Battersea Power Station to see the China exhibition with my best-hallmate-friend Emma

She is from US University of Pennsylvania and doing urban planning in Bartlett

It's so great that I go to architectural exhibition with the one who shares common interest

We discuss "what do you think" point of views quite often, like the "decay", "deteriorate" apple wall, how it echoes with the brick, the renewal project of this site (please don't bring the West Kowloon failure to London), the mismatch of Rem's Pavilion, the interesting doors and complicated continuity of Ito's Pavilion.......

The Power Station looks like Tate Modern due to the fact that they were built by the same architect

The ruin gives me a very subtle feeling

On the other hand, I am so excited to discover Ito's Pavilion next to it

Gorgeous !

Thanks Emma for bringing me there and I do learn a lot from you


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