30 October, 2006


訂了班往歐洲客機 預計開八點四十四  
提示過你這約會 遲不起  
除非你 在約好鐘數出現  
為別戀扭轉玄機 臨崖勒馬在一起

到日落前還未見 過幾年才見面
和你的 拉扯都怕是時候割斷
要是沒緣從此算 大概等人也很倦
難怪天都將天黑鐘數撥快點 馬上完

或有點 開心知道諾言未兌現
誰會知 這點不捨不棄在哪天 你又食言

但卻有蝕了的感覺 .......

+ Boarder 買書
+ eat out with Rachel guyz
+ 飲嘢
+ Sainsbury's 入貨
= 洗突咗

唉 ..... 預計到又有麻煩嘢發生 .......

28 October, 2006

Serious reading


今日去了Keith, Soki & Charlene's hall煮飯食
一起吃飯, 的確開心些
深感到在Bartlett, 在London 24 小時是不足夠的
想做的很多, 但做不到的也很多

27 October, 2006

Gone are the days when I studied hard

I can't believe what I am studying now is highly related to what I had learned in F.6 & 7
History and Theory = Economics
Design = Geography
Miss the day studied hard in Lee Shau Kee
Miss the Economics and Geography lessons
Miss their terminology

24 October, 2006

43 days separation

23 October, 2006

Happy New Year to India

Instead of going to Nottinghill Gate Market
Emma, Onya, a German girl studying Law in UCL, and I went to Hindu Temple in Wembley Park to join an India biggest festival, Indian New Year
It was a funny day despite the weather was so bad
I was totally penetrated into Indian culture
Put off your shoes, surrounded by all Indian, entered the highly-white marble-decorated grand hall, listened their pray song, watched the way they workship their God, tasted the delicious Indian food......
And I was given a take-away traditional dessert and a calendar as a kind of bless!
I believe I am the only Chinese who join their New Year Party, surprisingly in exotic London

21 October, 2006

The Battersea Power Station and Serpentine Pavilion by Toyo Ito

Thank you God, today is a amazing and wonderful day !

I went to the Battersea Power Station to see the China exhibition with my best-hallmate-friend Emma

She is from US University of Pennsylvania and doing urban planning in Bartlett

It's so great that I go to architectural exhibition with the one who shares common interest

We discuss "what do you think" point of views quite often, like the "decay", "deteriorate" apple wall, how it echoes with the brick, the renewal project of this site (please don't bring the West Kowloon failure to London), the mismatch of Rem's Pavilion, the interesting doors and complicated continuity of Ito's Pavilion.......

The Power Station looks like Tate Modern due to the fact that they were built by the same architect

The ruin gives me a very subtle feeling

On the other hand, I am so excited to discover Ito's Pavilion next to it

Gorgeous !

Thanks Emma for bringing me there and I do learn a lot from you

20 October, 2006

Unit 22 Drink

Have drink again
but this time I feel much comfortable cos they are all my unitmates
standing outside the market place freezed me
however it is really nice getting to know some ex-unitmates

Oxford Street has already started decorating with Christmas ornament
It's so nice and I am looking forward to my first Christmas in London
Hope it will be full of joy!

Have underground Korean food with Xiong, his girlfriend and Irene
And Xiong bring us to AA to have a quick look
How intensive it is!

Reading, sharing and discussing are the way of learning here
Thx Dr. Peg's appreciation and encouragement

17 October, 2006

What's the problem?

We live together for a month
But sad to say I just can't fall in love with you

15 October, 2006


Sliding from 5th floor down to ground floor through the tube installation only spend me 7 sec.

So scare !

I can totally feel the speed and pain from my back

I like Tate Modern, especially the balcony

Direct photo taken with Tate for indirect gesture with St Paul's

11 October, 2006

A miracle day with Zaha Hadid

Today is a good day for me
The chance of attending Zaha Hadid's lecture fell back to me, which just costed me only 5 pounds
A very rich presentation by Zaha of her cool, innovative projects kept my hand non-stopped sketching, which I didn't do for a long time
Also, I met Peter today and finally got to know what should I do next
Be abstract !!! Fine
And a 9 days field trip was confirmed (London >>> Marrakech >>> Casablanca >>>Fez >>> London)
Great ! The most important thing is that the price is not expensive
Last but not least, I get my favour lamp bought, which I spent a week to consider it
Now, my home is lighted up
Thx God so much for today!

10 October, 2006


08 October, 2006

3 News of Today

1. Field Trip : Marrakech of Morocco
2. Explore light, colour, shadow???
3. 廚藝有進步

中秋節的晚上獨個兒煮食, 獨個兒在廚房賞月
追月夜, 亦如此
孤獨嗎? 我可興幸沒有這種感覺

06 October, 2006

Re-union in UK

Searching, finding under the rain.....
Finally we meet each other
The feeling of re-union is so great
And we have kept our promise to have a nice coffee tea in Leicester Square

04 October, 2006

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion by Rem Koolhass

I spend about 2 hours here cos I like the comfortable atmosphere inside
The high-density foam black blocks are freely organized by visitors
I sat in the middle, touched the "wall", thought about the structure, lighting and ventilation those kind of arch topic
The gallery behind is good too and I took one booklet, which is high quality product:
"Zaha Hadid, 2000
Daniel Libeskind with Arup, 2001
Toyo Ito with Arup, 2002
Oscar Niemeyer, 2003
MVRDV, 2004
Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura with Cecil Valmond, 2005
Rem Koolhaas and Cecil Balmond, 2006"
Cool !!!!!

03 October, 2006

Speak up in fluent English

You have to speak up in Bartlett
or you will die
But, I am not used to be like that
especially in English