31 December, 2006


順境亦是面對逆境的基礎" --張春權傳道

30 December, 2006

They are alive

28 December, 2006

What a wonderful and peaceful prairie Christmas !

24th Christmas Eve
The Christmas in York is foggy!
When I woke up, I could only see was a large piece of grassland with a lot of sheep
Emma's family was so generous and kind to me
Everyday Emma's mum served us with delicious meals and desserts
Well, I like the chocolate cake and traditional English Chrismas pudding most !
And it was my first time to try Christmas Turkey and a lot of different kind of cheese
haha ! I absolutely gained weight !
But too much coffee and tea with chocolate really made me feel full and 膩, so I couldn't eat much later on

I can say their Christmas is just like our Lunar Chinese new year
Woke up in the morning, dressed up well, friends visiting, chatting in the living room, eating around the table.....
We were so lucky to join the Christmas Carols in York Minster
Oh gorgeous! It was absolutely marvelous, wonderful, lovely, amazing, beautiful !
Thanks God ! This is the best Christmas Eve Gift for me
I love it and I believe only high Gothic Church can produce such kind of amazing quality of choir carols
And in mid-night, we walked in the totally dark and chilly road and reached a small local church called St Judy's Church to have an evening service

25th Merry Christmas
After a walk in the prairie, we watched "The Queen" at 3pm
I was my first time to hear Queen's speech, which mentioned about breaking generation gap
After Christmas pudding, it was time for gifts giving
Emma's parents were so kind that they gave me a sock of Christmas presents!
Oh my God! Thank you so much !
And it was so warm that the whole family played simple games together with their grandpa, which I didn't expect western people do that! Anyway, another good chance for me to learn English as well

26th Boxing Day
Last day, unwilling to leave
I tried so many delicious British food, learned table manner, chatted with different foreigners with different accents, shared their family warm, had freezing country rock climbing with beautiful natural views..... all were too special and memorable for me
Thank you God
Thank you Halls family, I really love this special Christmas !

27th Back to London
After a big hug with Emma, my personal English teacher, I went back to London with my own
It is really good to have such a good friend in Goldsmid, isn't it?
The one chatting, eating, sharing, laughing with me, and the most important thing, she showed me how to enjoy London
I will miss her so much !

23 December, 2006

A letter to Winter London

Dear Winter London,

Today I am very happy with you!
After the trip to Rome, my pair of foot seems can't stop working
Strolling along your vein without any plan, any purpose, I just wanted to reach where I didn't see
I arrived Holborn, Royal Courts of Justice, Fleet Street, Old book stores in Covent Garden, H&M with big sales ..... all are very nice
And I saw people skating in Somerset Home, which have a skating rink in the court of Courtauld Institute & Gallery, it reminded me the Dutch Winter Scenes exhibition of National Gallery
Too cold these few days, but I didn't feel freezed (cos I wrapped myself well), instead, I like these romantic weather
You can't see a lot of people or hear noisy traffic near UCL, what you can see is just pure tree trunk and hear one or two "kwok kwok" sound from ladies' high heels
The sky is clear with a thin layer of mist and a line of sunshine covering your skyline
That's all I love to see
And after today, I can't deny to love you

This year_is my first Christmas with you in York_which is in American style
It should be full of joy and nice_at least not a lonely one
Turkey, silent night, fire chimney, Christmas gift.....Oh ! I would like to receive a Ralph perfume, a big Peluani cake, a pair of high heels and boots, a A1 drawing holder
Can you tell Santa Claus to send me?
And last but not least, can I ask for a white Christmas?

Love and cheers,


22 December, 2006

Finally get it done

21 December, 2006

Rome 14/12/06-19/12/06

Six days trip is too long for Rome, Florence and Pisa, I even went to zoo, police station, local market, book store.....

But I really enjoy it. Luckily I went with Irene, cos she studied Fine Art and explained a lot about Renaissance, Bernini, Baroque, Michelangelo, Raphael......to me so that I know how to appreciate the art work. Many thanks ! And we chatted a lot during the trip as well !

Rome is too small and we had recognized all the major places very easily. We even went to Tervi Fountain for four times by just strolling along Rome street !

We saw an artist drawing with spay, her skills was amazing !

Went into so many chapels and cathedrals, I think I like San Pietro most, its order, its subtle made me impressed. Santa Susanna is also good cos it is very Baroque by Bernini. For museum, I would highly recommend Uiffizi Gallery.

Well although we were cheated for hostel and gelato, we still spent a lot on food. I like Risotto much. And I love the angel box and the book of Michelangelo and Rapheal brought in Florence and Vatican.

14 December, 2006

Home Office_24_OFF to ROME

14-19/12, 羅馬
出發前的這一刻還努力於HT 4000 Essay Draft當中
希望Dr. Peg think it is fine la!

Anyway, Gelato, Tiramisu, Italian coffee please wait for me !!!

12 December, 2006

What a miracle Boxing Day !!!

I was shocked to receive 3 boxes of Christmas presents and 2 Christmas card today !!!
Many thanks to my family, Chiu, Kayee, Flora and my aunt
I am touched and feel beloved

11 December, 2006

Manet to Picasso

Went to the National Gallery again today
Finally finished the tour of all exhitbitions and galleries there
Recently they are doing the exhibition about Impressionism
I quite like the drawings of Claude Monet
And the winter British street landscape with great contrast....shit, I forgot the name of that piece, anyway
All these remind me the day I went to see the Impressionism exhibition in HK

10 December, 2006

Hell Yes

Hell yes now I'm moving this way, I'm doing this thing
Hell yes now I'm turning it on, I'm working my legs
Hell yes now I'm calling you out, I'm switching my plates
Hell yes now I'm cleaning the floor, my beat is correct

06 December, 2006

Sem 1 Final

01 December, 2006

Tense December

Today Amy and Irene showed their portfolio and compliance project report
I was scared !
Cos I am going to produce that kind of quality output !!!
How can I do that ?

So good that my second trip is confirmed
14-19/12 Pisa > Florance > Rome
Yoho ~~~~~